Thursday, August 30, 2007

Our little girl is sick :(

We got the phone call on Tuesday that Ella had a fever and needed to be picked up from daycare. Doctor said that she probably just has a virus that she caught at school. She has lost her "voice" and is working on getting it back. She has had a low grade fever for the past two days, but we are hoping that she will battle this quickly! Luckily she has been able to stay home and rest while her Papa takes care of her!

The better news is that she now has almost eight teeth. They are making their way in and she has been a champ through the teething process!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ella is studying for school

Here she is studying before school starts!
Ella starts school Tuesday at The Goddard School in St. Charles. She will be there for four days before I start my new job. I am hoping to get her used to the new environment (and get used to not being with her all day)!

We will post more pictures soon of the classroom, teachers, and her new friends soon.
Wish us luck on a successful first day of school!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ella's video

Hope this's a video of Ella pulling herself up to stand!

Upside Down

Ella's favorite past time (upside down) is quickly fading as she has learned to pull herself up to standing. Everything she encounters is a tool to help her stand! It is officially time to baby- proof everything (maybe we are a little late), but I honestly didn't ever think she would get this mobil!
I have also added a few features onto her blog (including her list of Disney movies, as we are attempting to make her a collection) as well as links to her friend's pages (yes, she has friends)!

I have a few videos that I need to post, but I am still learning how to do that!

Monday, August 6, 2007

10 months!!!

I can't believe that Ella is already 10 months old, time really does fly (except for her first month of life which was slow)!

Ella can pull herself up to standing, crawl (in her own way), talks a lot and has turned into such a little person. Yesterday she stood by herself at Aunt Carrie's and Uncle Mar's house for a few seconds before plopping onto the floor. We went to dinner yesterday where she ate noodles and chicken and loved them both.....she really is our daughter! Oh, and her top tooth broke through two days ago bringing her total to three teeth!