Taylor is 5 months and 4 weeks old, and she showed me today that she is a baby on a mission. This video doesn't do justice to how well she is crawling. She goes after what she wants and she does not slow down for anyone! We are incredibly proud of our mobile little girl and concerned as this could mean trouble. We officially have to make sure there is nothing on the floor that she can't get and put in her mouth, so babyproofing has to be stepped up a notch for sure.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Visit with Grandpa and Grandma Martin
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ella is very funny (and Taylor is very sleepy)
Just before bed last night, Ella had Taylor laughing so hard. By the time we got the camera, it had died down a little, but we still caught some laughs on video.
The new adventures of Taylor
Taylor has really amazed us the last few weeks. I sometimes can't believe how big she is getting and how much she is learning every day!

The other day we put her on the floor to play and all of a sudden she popped up on her hands and knees and then somehow swung her legs around so that she was sitting. She looked at us like she was really proud of herself and we were certainly proud of her!
She also amazed us with her eating skills this weekend. Her tongue is no longer an obstacle when eating baby food and she will eat anything we give her! Sunday she had baby cereal, pears and carrots. Today she ate baby cereal, bananas and a whole container of squash for dinner!
Here are some recent pics of Baby T:
Goddard Family picnic
Things have been crazy in the Martin household. With Mama working days and Papa working nights, it has been hard to find time to publish some posts.
Last weekend The Goddard School (where both girls spend their days), had a family and staff picnic at a park in Gilberts. They had a DJ, a face painter, food and a jumpy house. Ella found the jumpy house right away and had a blast.
As many of you know, Ella is going through a dress phase right now and we couldn't get her to wear anything else. We finally talked her into putting pants on with this dress so that not everyone saw her underwear when she went down the slide.
Here are some pictures from the fun picnic:
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wisconsin visit 9/5/09
On Saturday morning, Ella, Mama and Baby Taylor headed up to Wisconsin for the day. We drove to Lori's house and visited with her family and Laura, and got to meet Carla's daughter Addysen for the first time. Addysen is six weeks old and completely adorable! The drive up went incredibly smooth. We left just as Taylor was falling asleep and she slept the entire 1 hour and 45 minutes drive without making a peep. Ella had a great time while we were there too. Her and Ellie played on their new swingset (only on the slide though since Ella hates swings) and then swam in a kiddie pool in the backyard. Those pictures are on Lori's camera, so I will post those once she emails them to me.
Here are the few pictures I did get:
Laura with Baby Addysen:
An attempt at a group shot:
Ella and Ellie in their matching dresses (we randomly found out recently that they had the same dress, so we planned to have them both wearing it that day):

The ride home was a completely different story. We left after Taylor had been fed and was getting sleepy. Instead of falling asleep though, she cried for one hour and fifteen minutes. I stopped once to try and calm her down and even tried feeding her, but there was nothing to do. She just hates the car and the morning drive up was a total fluke. I'm still glad we were able to visit with our good friends!
Park on Labor Day
After sleeping in until 10:30 on Labor Day (thank you J!!!), we headed to the park for a beautiful day. This was the first time we put Taylor in the swings and she seemed to really enjoy it. Everytime we go to this park, Ella likes to climb the rock wall and the rope ladder. She is getting really good at both! Papa even climbed the rope ladder and sat on the little bench with her. She has also entered the stage of only wanting to wear dresses. She thinks if she has a dress on, then she is a princess. Every morning now we pick out a dress and then either shorts or leggings to go with.
This is Ella and Papa sitting on the bench in the jungle gym.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Taylor video - ready to crawl
I was able to take a video today of Taylor getting up on her hands and knees and trying to crawl.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Taylor is 5 months
Time sure does fly when you are having fun (and have two kids!!!). Lots have happened in the past 5 months, but here are just a few recent things:

We attempted to feed Taylor 2 ounces of formula one night because my milk supply was running low. After 2 hours of projectile vomiting, we have decided to stick with breastmilk as long as possible. This means adding pumping sessions on the weekends and once she is asleep at night, but we know it's the best thing for her.
About two weeks ago, Taylor found her toes, and last week she started putting them in her mouth. They are her new favorite toy!
Last week Taylor started having rice cereal for breakfast at school. She really likes it and her teachers call her a little piggie. Tonight she tried Sweet potatoes for the first time and she is getting really good and manipulating her tongue and swallowing the food.
Not only does Taylor roll all over the floor, she scoots backwards too!! She gets up on all four like she is going to crawl, and then she collapses and tries to fly like superman.
Her teachers tell us that she is a joy to have in her classroom and that everyone who comes in to visit the room loves her smile and her blue eyes with long eyelashes.
Here is Taylor in her new high chair that she got from Grandma and Grandpa Martin:
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