Construction is finally finished on Ella's new bedroom. The loft is now our third bedroom (thanks to Uncle Mike and JP) and we got Ella a new big girl bed over the weekend. Ella's original crib was recalled recently and in order to get a new crib, we had to mail in pieces of the old crib and wait two weeks for a voucher in the mail. Fortunately Oma and Opa let us borrow the crib they have at their house for about a month. We decided today that after the new carpet was done in the entire upstairs, that we would just go cold turkey and have Ella nap in her toddler bed. We returned the crib to Oma and Opa this morning and Papa put together Ella's new bed with new Dora bedding before nap time.
We are so proud of our little girl! The door knob hasn't been put on the door yet, so although we closed the door, we were able to peak in on her to make sure she was napping (or at least resting). After 20 minutes, we went to peak in and make sure that she was sleeping b/c she had been quiet the entire time she was in her room. When we looked in, she was laying in her bed with a mini basketball, Elmo stuffed animal and her new favorite book (Brown Bear, Brown Bear). She did finally end up falling asleep and after about 2 1/2 hours, she started making noise, but stayed in bed and just "read" her book until we came in and got her.
Sorry so are some pictures of her new room.
After waking up....reading in her bed.

The wall opposite of her bed:

A picture of her room looking out into the hallway. There are usually doors in front of the washer and dryer, but they were removed so that the carpet could get installed. Then that's her closet to the far right of the picture:
A picture from her door looking in:

This is the picture I took through the door knob hole when she had just woken up:

Ella, your new room looks very pretty. Love the Dora stuff. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Grampa & Gramma
You are growing up too fast Ella! Can't wait to see you at your second birthday party!
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