Just when we think our little girl is going to stay little forever, she does something else to prove us wrong. When Ella turned 2, she moved into a new classroom for young 2 year olds. The teacher felt it was time for her to move on since this would really help her develop sentences and learn to use words at more appropriate times (frustrating times for her essentially). With the new room comes no more sippy cups and drinking out of a big girl cup instead. They started working on it with her just two weeks ago and so we started giving her a little bit of practice at home also. Last week they stopped giving her all sippy cups and now she only drinks from the big girl cups at school. We have enforced the rule at home during meal time as well (though she gets the occasional sippy when we are on the road or are at a restaurant).
Here is a picture and a video. Sometimes she gets a little too eager and will tip the cup too much before it hits her mouth. She immediately will tell us "Uh-oh. I pilled." It's cute because she still says "puck" instead of "cup", but I have a feeling that it isn't going to last much longer.
Wow Ella! Your going on the potty now drinking out of a big girl cup!!! You are such a big girl!!!!
Ella, you a beautiful angel who is learning so many things so fast! Good job.
Big Kisses & Hugs,
Grampa & Gramma
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