Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Potty milestone

Yesterday Ella pooped on the potty for the second time!!! The first time was more of an accident, but last night she told me that she had to go and sat on the potty and went like a big girl! I was soooo proud of her and she was pretty excited for herself as well. In a few more weeks I think that we are going to push ahead with potty training her (after she adjusts a little more to Taylor's presence) and hopefully it will go well.


Traci said...

Great Job Ella! You did it! I'm so proud of you!

Fishvb24 said...

Wow Ella! You are getting to be such a big girl! Congrats on advancing in the potty training department! :)

Gramma said...

Good job, Ella! Kisses to you & Taylor.

oma said...

what a cute little monkey. you're doing good mama , a little patience will do the trick GOOD JOB!