At the pediatrician that we go to, they have kids come in for a 2 1/2 year well child check up. Tonight we took Ella for her appointment and we went as a family. Ella was behind on her shots because we had switched doctors, so we tried to prepare her as much as possible. She did great with all of the appointment...then it was time for shots. We told her that if she was a big girl we could get an ice cream treat (yes, we bribe our daughter). She sat on Mama's lap and got her two shots. She did cry, but only for about 15 seconds and then she was all better and asking for ice cream and stickers. We were very proud of our big girl!
Height: 36 1/2"
Weight: 36 1/2 pounds

Ella, you are very brave. Looking forward to seeing you & Taylor on Sunday.
I am VERY proud of you Ella you are a very big girl!!!
And, just so you know, Oma used to bribe us too...but it didn't work on your mama...she would cry cry cry! ;o)
I love you,
Good Job Ella! You are such a big girl to only cry a little bit. It doesn't sound like you have inherited your mama's fear of needles!
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