Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I can hardly believe that we already celebrated Thanksgiving this year. Time really does fly by even faster once there is a second child in the mix. We had a great time this year with family. First stop was Oma and Opa's house at 2 pm. We had a delicious meal and even Taylor really enjoyed Aunt Colette's mashed potatoes (my absolute favorite). Second stop was Carriann and Brian's house. We got there around 6:15 pm, just in time for our second meal and dessert. Ella went and played with Brianna and Morgan right away and Taylor enjoyed exploring a new place (and the attention she received from everyone there).
I've noticed that it is significantly harder to remember to take pictures lately, but we were able to capture a few worth posting.
Here is Uncle John playing with the girls in the kitchen.

Morgan, Ella and Brianna:

Attempts to get Morgan, Brianna, Ella and Taylor....not an easy task...

1 comment:

oma said...

beautiful pictures! we enjoyed having everyone for thanksgiving, thanks for making the family complete.