Friday, August 7, 2009

Taylor's first week of school

On Monday August 3rd, Taylor started The Goddard School. Now both Ella and Taylor go to the same school together every morning. It has certainly been a change in routine for Mama and Taylor, but so far it's been wonderful. On Taylor's first day, she did good, but had a hard time falling asleep for long as there are up to eight infants in there at one time. By Tuesday, Taylor was an old pro. She has been very good for them, taking three good naps a day and eating every three hours. The teachers are wonderful and love her. They have told me that they think she is very advanced and she is rolling all over the floor and loves to "talk" to the other babies.

Here she is with her school book. If you recall, Ella was studying Chemistry on her first day of school (in August 2007). Taylor is studying Managerial Finance :)


Unknown said...

Taylor you are so smart!!!

And so incredibly cute! You are getting sooo big!
I Love you!

oma said...

I love pic. # 3