Sunday, July 26, 2009

First accident-free potty training day

I would officially like to mark today as our first accident-free potty training day. The best part is that Ella told us she had to use the potty without us asking, and we were out and about most of the day today (all without a camera of course).

First, we went out to visit Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandpa. After that we went to lunch at the Village Tavern (yum). We went home from there for Ella's nap. Then after naptime we headed to Costco for shopping. Once both girls were fed and the groceries were put away, Ella and Mama headed out to the park while Papa and Baby Taylor stayed in (have I mentioned how much Taylor hates the car??).

We are proud of Ella and the potty progress she is making. Here is a quick picture I snapped on the way out to the park.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

It was wonderful to see all 4 of you. Hope to see you soon. Ella, congratulations for your good job potty training.