Monday, April 27, 2009

"I hold baby Taylor"

Yesterday after I fed Taylor, I was sitting her up in my lap to burp. Ella came over from watching cartoons and said "I hold baby Taylor". I was so excited to hear her want to hold her! I put the boppy around Ella's lap and let her hold Taylor. It was such a sweet sight. Just a few nights ago I decided to feed Taylor a bottle of pumped milk and let Ella help so that she would feel involved with a feeding. She laughed when she started drinking the bottle and told me "Baby Taylor is silly". Here are a few pictures of Ella holding her little sister.


Fishvb24 said...

How adorable!! And just as you predicted, she still has the new hat on!

Gramma said...

How precious! Both girls are beautiful angels!

Unknown said...

You are such a wonderful big sister Ella!! I can't wait for you and Taylor to be inseparable sisters!!